Enjoy your time … with a cup of nuts! The nuts products are greatly demanded. It’s the best time leisure, completing the hospitality gatherings with the tea and dessert, thus we sought through the cup of nuts to offer unique kinds of distinguished nuts directly served from their original source. Our first production was (FINJAN HAB) of super Egyptian seeds rich in calories, protein as well as number of essential minerals needed for the body, this makes the natural finjan hab important for a healthy body as they are rich in zinc, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium … that meet with the body needs, together with the healthy fat, good for the heart. In spite of the existence of similar products in the Arab and local markets, we were concerned to adhere to quality from the breaking point of providing the seeds from natural plants in the large fields like pumpkin and the sunflowers … passing by the different steps of cleaning, sorting the treating and salting to end up with packing according to a scientific method with nitrogen to ensure the fresh taste no matter the climate condition on the heat elements. FINJAN HAB gives you a great taste, to add to the hospitality menu because we are proud to satisfy your taste and aspiration.

  • A cup of seeds… leisure and joy.
  • The product is balanced in salt, healthy without fear even if largely consumed.
  • Quality guaranteed, natural taste without added flovors.
  • A whole integrated team controlling the process of production & packing until it reaches the outlets.